
Black Belt Graduation


Black Belt Graduation
Black Belt Graduation

The Black Belt Graduation write up is a testament to the students for their hard work, over coming problems & excuses that most people make, such as “I ain’t got a training partner, I ain’t got time, I have to take the kids swimming, I’m on shift….etc”. They have trained hard, they have found the time to train, our school is open 7 days, they travelled from our satellite schools to train, some trained at 6am then came back in the evening to train, they rearrange work schedules , school schedules & study schedules.Yes it is hard task , and I think it should be un achievable if you don’t put the hard work in but then again all the great rewards in life should be un achievable if you don’t work in. You just can’t by your way to black belt. No fast track program, no essays to write just hard work.

Kickboxing Girl
Kickboxing Graduation

I know we have a great team of Instructors who helped them on the way but It’s the new batch of black belts that are the ones who deserve the praise , they are the ones who proved that they are better than the people that make the excuses. I’m sorry if it sounds like I have something to shout about but “we” am so proud of them I’ve listened to what they have had to do to carry on training , switching their lives about, training then going home to finish tasks that need to be done before the can chill out, others  just make the excuses and I just smiled. You are better than most and I hope you now realise that you have mastered the basics and go on to explore what our Martial Arts have to offer.


Where your belt with pride, you desreved it…what a great way to finish off the year then get ready to smash through the next one.